Scheduled Student Portal Maintenance

Scheduled maintenance will occur Friday, March 28th beginning at 7 p.m. PT. You will still be able to access your Canvas classroom during this time, but you may not be able to access other student portal functionalities until maintenance is complete, which is expected to take 2 hours.

We strive to keep system downtime to a minimum and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

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Keep Pushing Forward

You should be proud of all you're accomplishing. As you work to reach your degree and better your life, you have support here at the University of Arizona Global Campus.



Here for You at Every Step

Never hesitate to reach out for a little extra help. Our advisors are always happy to talk with you. Give us a call today: 866-685-7163

Weekdays: 5am-7pm PT, 8am-10pm ET
Weekends: 7am-6pm PT, 10am-9pm ET

Resources for Your Success

Take advantage of the UAGC Writing Center, offering 24/7 writing tutors, a Premium Grammarly account, paper review, and more - all free to UAGC Students.